Career formation and job opportunties in Pharmaceutical Industry |What is Pharmaceutical Industry ?

Career formation and job opportunties in Pharmaceutical Industry |What is Pharmaceutical Industry ?

Career formation and job opportunties in Pharmaceutical Industry |What is Pharmaceutical Industry ? | Career path in pharma industry What is Pharmaceutical Industry ? The Pharmaceutical Industry is the industry that develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceuticals licensed for use as medications. The Pharmaceutical Industry is the place where the discovery, development, and manufacture … Read more

Growth and developement in Biotechnology Industry | Success in Biotech Industry

Growth and developement in Biotechnology Industry | Success in Biotech Industry

Growth and developement in Biotechnology Industry | Success in Biotech Industry | Bio-tech Industry | Successful Biotechnology Industry Success in Biotech Industry A handful of developing countries have successfully built some of the necessary scientific, technological and industrial capacity to take advantage of the opportunities presented by biotechnology. Biotechnology is an industry that is focused … Read more

Career in Agricultural Engineer | What is Agricultural Engineering ?

Career in Agricultural Engineer | What is Agricultural Engineering ?

Career in Agricultural Engineer | What is Agricultural Engineering ? | Top colleges in Agricultural Engineering What is Agricultural Engineering ? Agricultural Engineering is a part of the tech department that deals with solving issues related to machine efficacy, power supplies, environmental issues, storage, processing, and growth of the agricultural products. Agricultural engineers integrate technology … Read more

Career as a Electronics Engineer | What is Electronics Engineering?

Career as a Electronics Engineer | What is Electronics Engineering?

Career as a Electronics Engineer | What is Electronics Engineering? | Scope of Electrponics Engineering | Top colleges of Electronics Engineering What is Electronics Engineering? Electronic Engineering is a branch of engineering that involves the study of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic Engineering is a professional discipline that includes the study of electronics, electricity and others … Read more

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) | All about NATS for engineering students

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) | All about NATS for engineering students

National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) | All about NATS for engineering students | NATS eligibility All about NATS for engineering students WHAT IS NATS ?– National Apprenticeship Training Scheme(NATS) is instituted by Board of Apprenticeship Training/Practical Training, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. It is a National Scheme for providing skill training to … Read more

Career In Electrical Engineers | Scope for electrical engineering

Career In Electrical Engineers | Scope for electrical engineering

Career In Electrical Engineers | Scope for electrical engineering Introduction- Electrical engineering What is Electrical Engineering– Electrical Engineering is that branch of Engineering which deals with the study of application of electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. The term electrical engineering often includes electronics engineering. Electrical engineering is the design, building and maintenance of electrical control systems, … Read more

Build career in Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence is the future

Build career in Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence is the future

Build career in Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence is the future | Also known as Machine Learning | AI- The Advancement in technology Artificial Intelligence is the future ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE– Today, Artificial Intelligence is a very popular subject that is widely discussed in the technology and business circles. With the advancement in technology, we are already … Read more

लोक सभा में पास हुआ कृषि बिल। किसान क्यो कर रहे इसका विरोध ?

लोक सभा में पास हुआ कृषि बिल। किसान क्यो कर रहे इसका विरोध ?

लोक सभा में पास हुआ कृषि बिल। किसान क्यो कर रहे इसका विरोध ? कृषि बिल २०२०। कृषि बिल का विरोध। आखिर क्या है मोदी जी के इस कृषि बिल में। कृषि बिल का फायदा। कृषि बिल २०२० – किसान क्यो कर रहे इसका विरोध ? कृषि बिल २०२० का सिलसला ५ जून २०२० से … Read more

Indian Startup Eco-system | World’s Fastest Growing Startup Ecosystem

Indian Startup Eco-system | World’s Fastest Growing Startup Ecosystem

Indian Startup Eco-system | World’s Fastest Growing Startup Ecosystem | One of largest startup eco-systems | Boost to entreprenuership | Make in India | 3rd largest start-up hub in the world World’s Fastest Growing Startup Ecosystem – The ongoing initiative of Startup India was launched by the Government of India on 16th January 2016. Although, … Read more

फिशरी साइंस में बनाये अपना करियर। फिशरी में रोज़गार के सुनहरे मौके

फिशरी में रोज़गार के सुनहरे मौके

फिशरी साइंस में बनाये अपना करियर। फिशरी में रोज़गार के सुनहरे मौके फिशरी में रोजगार के शानदार विकल्प रोजगार के शानदार विकल्प फिशरी में रोज़गार के सुनहरे मौके फिशरी शब्द से भाव है किसी इक कार्यस्थल पर मछलियों को पकड़ना और उनकी देख भाल करना और बाद में उनको बेच देना । फिशरी को किसी … Read more