Unlock Your skills in the lock down | Free online courses @ NASSCOM |Free online Courses with certificate
Unlock Your skills in the lock down : There’s a collection of six courses based on theoretical as well as on practical aspects. It is available for Professions , Undergraduate and post graduate students of different colleges or university. The free online courses are based in AI ( Artificial intelligence) . The basic motive of this free online certification to built a skills in candidate that’s help them to apply all the algorithm of AI in their respective field. The Free online Courses with certificate on AI are run by NASSCOM and Skill Up Online so you can now Unlock Your skills in the lock down.

Free online Courses with certificate on AI list :
- Introduction of artificial intelligence : In this course candidates learn about the basics about AI. Candidates have to go threw this courses before to learn the fundamentals of AI, which help to learn the core concept further. Evolution of AI, Difference between narrow super and general AI, Application, Opportunities. Database list :- SQL, NOSQL.
- SQL and Relation Database :- In this course the candidate learn about information and data models, relationship type ,mapping to table, rational model concept, intro and advance features.
- PYTHON for data Science :- candidates learn application of database for AI. Topic covered under online courses are in basics they learn about Types, Expression variable and string operation, list sets dictionaries in programming section they learn about condition, loop ,Function ,Object, Class.
- ALGORITHM : It is used to implement the AI solution in their respective field, in this section candidate learn in online certification course are insertion , bubble, selection , merge , quick and timsort, Sequential search, Interval search, combination and numerical.
- STATISTICS 101 : Under this course student develop their skills to explore the uses of AI and in solution implementation mathematical and statistical concept for AI. they learn Data handling, mean median mode, probability, Advance distinctive statistics , visualization and many more.
- Data visualization with PYTHON :- In this free online course students learn to built graph , Live chart data analysis attractive visualization to represent data of real time. Introduction of visualization tools, special advance tools and create maps. newsalert4u.com