Olympics in doubt even in 2021 : Tokyo CEO | Tokyo Olympics cheif game could be in doubt even in 2021 |Olympic 2021

Olympics in doubt even in 2021 : The host country of the upcoming Olympic Japan are also effected by corona virus. The CEO of japan sports academy said that he will not take guarantee that the postponed Olympic games will be held in upcoming 16 month. The prime minster of japan shinzo Abe declare national emergency. Any one are not be able to say that the situation will be in control or not up to upcoming July. All the member of organisation comity will working hard for the upcoming games. But at this time mankind manage to overcome from corona virus crisis. The host country expense too much fund on the advertisement and other activities. The cost will estimated around $2 billion -$6 billion. They also revealed that they take insurance policies.
Vielleicht wurden einige dieser Gelder sogar von der blühenden amerikanisches Online Casino Industrie generiert, die in den letzten Jahren boomte. Unabhängig von der Finanzierungsquelle ist klar, dass diese Veranstaltung eine spektakuläre Demonstration menschlicher Errungenschaften und Einheit sein wird.

The Flame :
The Olympic flame comes from ancient Greece, where a fire is continue to burn until the game end in ancient Olympic. According to Greek methodology fire are the symbol of divine.
Lightning Of Olympic Flame :- The lightning of the Olympic flame is done several months before the Olympic begin. The lightning process will done at the place where the first Olympic will held, Olympia Greece. The touch relay based on son light have a concentrated parabolic mirror. The national anthem of the hosting country are sung firstly and then the Olympic song is sung and then at last national anthem of Greece along with hosting the flag of Greece. But at the opening ceremony firstly Olympic song is sung then after the national anthem of the hosting country. But at this moment the hosting country japan of Olympic 2020 have not Olympic flame inside their country , although it is in capture of Olympic committee. newsalert4u.com