दिल्ली के स्कूलों में भी कोरोना को लेकर बढ़ेगी सतर्कता, कल जारी होंगे SOP

दिल्ली एनसीआर में कोरोना को लेकर बढ़ेगी सतर्कता, कल जारी होंगे SOP

दिल्ली एनसीआर में कोरोना के मामलों का बढ़ना एक बार फिर चिंता का विषय है, बुधवार को दिल्ली में 299 नए संक्रमित मरीजों के साथ, दिल्ली के उपप्रधानमंत्री और शिक्षा मंत्री मनीष सिसोदिया ने कहा, वे शुक्रवार तक दिल्ली में स्कूलों की निगरानी कर रहे हैं जब सरकार इस तरह चलाने के निर्देश जारी करेंगे। … Read more

VK Paul: If India had a Covid-like increase, there would be 14 lakh cases every day.

VK Paul says that There will be 14 million instances of Covid every day.

In the aftermath of the introduction of the novel variant Omicron, Niti Aayog member Dr VK Paul has raised concern about the rise in the number of coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases around the world. Dr. Paul spoke at a news conference on Friday about the alarming growth of illnesses in Europe, comparing it to the … Read more

how the relief package are help full to middle class| India’s Rs 20 lakh crore Covid relief package one among the largest in the world | Loan Without Guarantee @ MSME up to 3 Crore rupees

how the relief package are help full to middle class| India's Rs 20 lakh crore Covid relief package one among the largest in the world | Loan Without Guarantee @ MSME up to 3 Crore rupees

how the relief package are help full to middle class| India’s Rs 20 lakh crore Covid relief package one among the largest in the world | Loan Without Guarantee @ MSME up to 3 Crore rupees how the relief package are help full to middle class :- The prime minster of India Announced the a … Read more